In February 2022, Billa Kate { The Australian Sage } Confirmed a Sustainable Trade agreement and Personal Relationship with the Traditional First Nation Elders / Custodians of Nyul Nyul Country. Outback Kimberley, Western Australia.
The Intention of this Trade Relationship was
For the people outside of Nyul Nyul Country to have the opportunity to experience and access 100% Bush Medicine ( Jiliungin Leaf ) that was ethnically Sourced & Direct from the Land Elders.
To Inspire Cultural Connection, I believe the wisdom we need to manage this country and planet lays within our Land people, Our Saltwater People, Our Rainbow People, Our Native People, When we have a Connection to Our Traditional Elders, an ineffable Sense of Belonging is felt, a Deep sense of Safety ripples throughout our body, you just know THEY KNOW the way. I felt Jilungin Leaf would be a beautiful Medium to awaken even more Cultural Connection, once it infuses your body you cant help but be drawn to its people, consuming Jilungin is an embodied act, a stepping stone to heal our country and its people. Not to mention reconnect the body with the earth. I believe Cultural Connection awakens Cultural Appreciation, Cultural Appreciation Initiates Deeper Listening, To seat in Deeper Listening only means one thing, An Invitation for Truth Telling. Truth Telling is where all beings in this country may heal from the impacts of Colonialism, Where we can all begin to repair the unsettling impacts of our history.
$33 Per Jar > Email for all orders
Use 1-2 grams in a Plunger, re use the leaf multiple times by adding boiling water. To order your Jilungin
Wholesale + Affiliate orders avail upon application
Traditional Land Owner - Elder of the Nyul Nuyl People. Wild Harvester, Indigenous knowledge keeper , Owner of Twin Lakes Cultural Park. Teaches Aboriginal Art, Land Care and Cultural Tourism. Due to Bruno’s Landcare Practices, their has been an increase in wildlife, with more birds, swarms of bush bees returning because the wild flower are thriving, more Kangaroo and Possum Tracks are seen, A Privilege to witness this elder in his eldership.
Jilungin Leaf has the ability to travel our Bodies, almost like a tracker, highlighting to us areas of our body that need more focus, organs etc. if we set this intention. Or we can of course enjoy it as an everyday Infusion ( tea ) knowing its medicinal properties.
After Drinking it myself and experiencing its potent benefits, I immediately wanted, like we all do, everyone to experience this. It would be an understatement to say I was lassoed by its way of communicating to the body, that I phoned The Elders to express my gratitude and shared my Vision to bring it to “the people”
It was impressive to them id seen beyond the “sleeping leaf” benefits and understood how the jilungin works when in the Body.
I think it was this moment she was as happy to help me bring this vision to reality, she felt as excited to work alongside me with Jilungin and its deeper benefits, as I her [ Bruno’s Wife Marion ]
Being a non-indigenous woman, yet having a deep connection to country, and her guidance, I trusted if this was meant to be, The “old people” Native ancestors, would show me they way, or not, and that they did.
Whilst I have been given permission and invited by elders to educate and manufacture this bush medicine, Each process through this has invited a deeper connection to respect and cultural appropriation, being taught to ask country and their “old people” along the way, with each milestone. From from naming the tea to dialogue & ceremony for it, I have always been shown which way to go with this, how to and when too. The entire process from foraging to posting to you is SACRED and holds this frequency through every step. Many Say by the time it gets to you the energy can be felt upon handling the parcel. The power of the Plant Kingdom, The knowledge keepers.
Both times we have released the Leaf for sale, we have SOLD OUT, Same Day.
Our Orders are getting bigger and bigger each week, and Now the Reviews are starting to come in, the anticipation grows.
I am just so over the moon, people are connecting to the Traditional way of life, its primal culture, and their bodies are feeling the benefits. What ever happens from here on in is a bonus, It really is a dream come true.
Its been a journey to get here, one I will never forget, I’ve learned so much, I’ve grown so much, I am more connected to country, Understand how she communicates, ive learned an awful lot about stillness, Dadirri, the importance of earth body marriage, and its also raised a lot of Qs around why so much was taken from our land people / natives.
This tea allows those in corporate environments, living in households, perhaps those that are not near sacred land to still marry and weave their bodies back to the earth, in such a practical and pure way, whilst at home.
Health extends beyond the physical body, Our Physical body is merely a portal where the manifestation of dis-ease can symbolise itself.
Our Spirits rely on our Body and this Earth to Become one.
When this Thread becomes loose, we see sickness.
Sickness in the psyche, Dis-Ease within the vessel, and a suffering within the spirit.
Merging the Plant Kingdom with the body in Traditional Ways, stabilises the home for the spirit, creates safety, Connection and Nutrition, the 3 basic human needs to survive. The body is Nature, The earth alike, Both Co exist as one another’s care takers and Guardians. Bush medicine is walking us all home THE TRADITIONAL WAY
“ Their is no Prescription more enchanting than that written by our elders.”
Each Purchase of the Jilungin Tea, provides a Financial contribution back to the Nyul Nyul Country and its People, Its custodians to engage in continual foraging activities and generate more employment. Their is a microcosmic orbit of unconditional love and deep respect that flows through this Relationship, an absolute honour.
Wild Harvested, Jilungin, Drying on Nyul Nyul Country, Kimberlies, Western Australia
This Beautiful Tea, is not only 100% Australian, But 100% Wild Harvested, by our First Nation Elders.
Jilungin Bush Tea, is a soothing, medicinal, palatable, infusion. It has an earthy taste, that I didn’t need honey or lemon with, so gives you an idea just how smooth and enjoyable it was. The leaf has been used for hundred & hundreds of years, Traditionally, as a sleeping leaf, known for its calming and relaxation effects. Bruno’s grandmother would give it to him and other children before bed, so they would receive uninterrupted sleep. Yes it is safe for all ages ! Purifies the body, relaxes the nervous system, promotes overall well-being, However, due to the impact this leaf has had on the body decades later we are now seeing this leaf studied and the results are proving to be a lot more beneficial for the body. It has the highest Antioxidant levels in tea, not only exceeding Green Tea, but DOUBLING them! Offering more energy during the day and a better sleep of an evening. I loved reading the study, and what excited me the most was it helps the body absorb more magnesium, all of us are deficient in magnesium, this is HUGE ! It supports bone marrow and formation. Very HIGH in Iron, for oxygen transport, ( DNA ) Synthesis, electron transport, BORON. B is essential for bone and wound healing, for oestrogen, testosterone, and VIT D functions, MN. Crucial for Metabolism, immunity AND reproduction. wait for it……. REDUCES INFLAMMATORY MARKERS, inflammation is disease. !!
It just maybe a cup of this a day keep your Dr Away. I know this is one ritual in our home we won’t be subtracting.
You can use the leaf multiple times, by adding boiling water next time you want to make a cup, if your feeling unwell, take a jilungin Bath, Steam the Leaf to Clean your face and invite all of the above goodness into your skin.
Be sure to keep in touch and let us know how you use your jilungin and what you have noticed since infusing.
The Australian Sage : Billa Kate