HIgher SElf Training

Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool.

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Since the Beginning of time, ancient + modern cultures { and their holy figures } have pointed to something deep within us that transcends everyday life and the body we see ourselves in.

This eternal, innate, knowledgeable, ancient part of us has been called a variety of names, such as the inner self, the true nature, soul, spirit, and many others.

However here, I refer to it as the Higher Self.

The Higher Self is the vibrational, etheric, non form, part of ourself that hovers over us, and connected directly to our source. It is a popular topic, however has been misrepresented in woke cultures for many years now.

So, What exactly is my higher self + how can I connect to it?

Our Higher Self is our baseline true nature.

It is un-impacted by our circumstances and experiences here on this earth plane, and is happily co existing on a higher dimensions to be in service to us, and remind us of whom we are. She is our wise, whole, abundant in love, compassionate, understanding, and limitless inner most center.

Deep down, you know this, however layers upon layers of bloodline | generational + lineage conditioning has skewed our knowledge here.

Yet, the higher worlds and self are so vast and expansive that they can STILL, have us meet some even a little, resonance with these words.

We recognise at some point in time that there is something Sacred within us.

Our higher self has no Ego or lower nature, nor is it conditioned by fear or limiting beliefs, It represents our most authentic state of being before we were touched by or lost witin modern life.

Sit for a moment and Imagine who you would be and what you might feel like, even look like should you have never experienced, pain, loss of love, hardship, challenge, death, fear, suffering here. Can you get a sense of how magnificent you are in higher form and how connecting to that and remembering who you really are might benefit you while you are here?

An indescribable + ineffable amount of light is already surrounding + calling for you

How ever you best feel or view your soul, be sure to feel, that the nature of your soul is unconditional love. Unconditional Love is the magnetic conscious unity, that binds and heals, and makes ALL things whole.

The Shaman & the Lake Story

I want to share with you a story that I found, it helps illustrate what the Higher Self is:

Once there was a Great Ocean. All of existence was birthed from this Great Ocean, lived off this Great Ocean, and returned back to this Great Ocean, In the beginning, millions upon millions of tiny rivers sprung from this Great Ocean. Each river snaked across the land like delicate veins. But one day, a great drought came. No one saw it coming. The scorching sun dried up each snaking river so greatly that they all turned into lakes. No longer were they connected to the Great Ocean, so they felt great loneliness and isolation. As time went by, each little lake became more and more depressed, forgetting the Great Ocean.

One day, a Shamanika came to drink from one of the lakes and she noticed that it was depressed. “Why are you so sad?” she asked. The lake, despondent and gloomy responded, “Because I am nearly dried up + there is little water left. Time is running out. Soon I will be gone forever.

The Shamanika peered intently at the lake and laughed hysterically. “oh no you silly little thing, don’t you yet know that you are connected to a Great Ocean?

Although you change, you are changeless.

Your water evaporates and returns back to the Great Ocean. It is then reborn, repurposed, and redistributed. How can you live or die? You are birthless and deathless. You are in all things. You are all things.

This story is the best way to describe the Higher + Lower Self.

We are all like the lakes in this story. We believe that we are separate, isolated, and cut off because of our lower natures, egos, shadows. But something within us (the Shamanika) continuously drives us closer to the truth through the voice of intuition, instinct, and deep knowing.

Eventually each woman has a journey of remembrance and she remembers that she is too a river that is connected to the Great Ocean. The river represents the Higher Self. The Great Ocean represents Spirit, Source, God, Divinity, Unity or Oneness.

So why bother exploring this topic?

Why do we need to seek out our Higher Self at all?

There are many “benefits” that slowly emerge after committing to travelling the higher and inner self, that dissolve those dark clouds that smother our Inner Light.

Here are some inevitable benefits of reconnecting with your Higher Self.

  • Lowered or completely diminished anxiety

  • Lowered or completely diminished depression

  • Openness and receptivity to life

  • Creativity and inspiration

  • Enhancement of intuition and spiritual/personal gifts

  • Greater tolerance and patience

  • Loss of the fear of death

  • Realising your best self with ease

  • Achieving your wildest dreams

  • Sustaining healthier relatonships

  • Living your BEST life

  • Overcoming addiction + repeated negative cycles

  • Development of a mystical perception of life

  • Cultivating Unconditional Love for self and others and offering it to your family and community.

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An Embodied Training

‘Learning how to connect to your Higher Self’


Humanity is in such a short Supply of Unconditional Love right now + there is a solution to this and each and everyone of us can participate. Their is also Many women desiring to meet those higher aspects and qualities within themselves but unsure how.

The most sensible and realistic way to bring more love to our planet, toward humanity, our family + ourselves is to understand that ‘the great ocean’ exists.

To recognise that the self we see right now, is only one dimensional and of lower nature, it is only part of us, learning to understand this is so important, to live a full life, to sustain healthy relationships, to become a positive member of a family and community, to learn how to connect to both and discern between the two is essential for achieving wholeness and enlightenment.

Higher self is the best therapist, healer, teacher, best friend you could ever ask for, she is way more purified than anyone down here. It is her assignment to have on hand all of the answers to your qs. She is available 24/7 365. It would be a real loss to experience an entire life here disconnected to that part of yourself.

Higher selfm is not impacted by the circumstances or experiences that you have endured here.

If you would like to build a relationship with the other half of you and to REMEMBER who we are or perhaps you wish to be surround by our soul family or Soul Pods and feel what that love feels like, realise it's because of that imprint of love, that we seek that feeling down here. Then you are welcome to apply for this 4 week series, of meditation to train your lower self to connect to your higher self.

This is a practitioner guided facilitation.

For some this may feel like It's a radical leap of faith believing that this is actually possible. I know its not uncommon, but I can assure you, you will be ever so thankful you questioned your conditioning and allowed your curiosity to step forward and begin some of these meditations to transport you to the higher worlds.

Connecting to Higher self 1:1 and Online Meditation Classes for women begin March 31st | This will be a series of 4 sessions over 8 week period. If you would like to learn how to connect to your higher self and use this relationship to better yourself your lifestyle or help bring more love to humanity. Enrolments are open now and close end of February 2025.

email bk.hercalmspace@icloud.com with

  • your name

  • your location

  • your intention of joining this training

  • your phone number

  • your current focus, dream or goal

  • what you struggle with the most in life, what patterns you feel recycle, what you would like to improve about yourself or your relationship

  • 3 things that you are grateful for