Masculine + Feminine Quality Chart
Tantra teaches us that in order to sustain a loving + harmonious relationship, we must first learn to know thySELF beyond our form, beneath our physical, and past our glamour + material world natures + of course the ego, that does a great job at keeping us all safe in this world, yet can also become very splintering should we wish to sustain nurturing, loving, euphoric connections, beyond ourselves.
If we lack this self awareness that is sewn into the sould bones of the Tantra Teachings, we find relationships trigger us, and some may even seed a great deal of pain + loneliness.
One of the first steps to any level of growth or ascension involves Learning. Once we “Learn” something, the Mental Plane makes a note imprint of that, [1.Mental Body]. The second stage of any ascension or transformation is, now that we think differently, we begin to FEEL differently, the reaction to the new learning holds a new feeling towards that thought or new belief [2.Emotional Body] and lastly, we, and this can take anywhere from 3 months to 15 years or a lifetime depending on what teaching has been openly adopted or learned, we begin to act upon or embody that new learning or newly adopted belief [3.Physical Body] Generally when you have arrived at this point you may notice you “ catch a colds or flu ”, in seasons that don’t generally associate with those, this is known as the physical purging aspect, the final stage, of the old stored energy or thought system, detoxing from the field in order for you to completely transform.
What I am about to show you today, isn’t considered too Sacred, but never underestimate the potency in reading anything that comes from Tantra. It has a way to pierce our minds + hearts enough to keep us more curious. As though the Soul [ higher nature ] is longing for you to be reading this text and the personality [ lower nature ] is causing you to judge, or perhaps you become triggered [the shadow] as you see that your in unhealthy behavioural patterns. Don’t worry, we all can be, the difference is shortly this will be in your awareness, it all changes from there. If you want it too of course.
I highly recommending starting with this reflection chart as step 1 to delving into tantra, this would be considered a solid pillar to master thy self. Only by Learning about ourselves, can we “heal” + Continue to grow, physically, mentally + emotionally to a significant + lasting degree.
Q’s are always welcome, Click here to contact me with any Q’s.
In order for you to access or experience the Ananda [Bliss] or unity with another, which we all know is a huge part of this experience as an adult human being, we must first understand and remain true to the primary relationships that governs and caretakes the rest of our unions. The Inner Marriage of the Masculine + Feminine Qualities + Energy that makes up, us.
This journey into the divine ‘Inner Marriage’ is most probably new for you if your here curious, if so, look at this information like it is a skeleton key for relation-shipping WITHIN, your life.
Top help you along reflecting on the above qualities chart, [if you haven’t yet read the Tantra Prelude, please stop reading here and begin there] Tantra Prelude link look at the chart if your a woman and understand the tantra teachings reveal to us that a “Woman” will be made up of say 80% feminine in “nature” qualities to allow “her” to be closest to her natural nature and inserted behind that 80% yin or feminine energy is 20% Yang or Masculine energy to stabilise her so she doesn’t completely be goneth with the wind.
It will work vice versa with the “Man” he will have 80% Masculine or Yang energy and inserted behind that will be 205 yin or feminine energy so he isn’t a cold hard rock walking earth, he will be able to soften and relate to women and feel somewhat with his heart, without one close by.
Again, it is important to understand these traits, qualities and energies charted are masculine and feminine, not male and female. But make up the male and female, that are the cause of wholeness and duality to unity.
If your in a relationship and you tend to feel like your rarely held or acknowledged in your feminine, you feel like you have to" do everything" and hubby does s.f.a, consider making a self enquiry as to how in ‘your feminine’ you are. It’s very common for "modern" women to take on the masculine qualities + traits due to modernised culture and deadlines, such as multi-tasking responsibilities, Doing vs being, giving vs receiving, being logical vs intuitive. It’s when women tend to over do, that you will see a “male” in his feminine, being vs doing, sitting on the couch 7 nights a week while she cooks after she has worked. In wholeness only one being can be feminine and if it’s not you ladies he has no choice but to morph into the other qualities to sustain some level of connection and wholeness. Only one being can be in their feminine and one will then be in the masculine. It’s universal law to balance this.
This is not to say you can’t be a boss B and come home and melt into the feminine, because you can certainly master both.
NOTE : working with couples, has confirmed the above. Along with my own 12 years experience, of experimenting and seeing if usiversal law really does engage.
When we facilitate + guide influence the “woman” to review her natures, and melt more into her feminine, it automatically shifts the male into his masculine role.
Their is also the core wounds to consider but this is shared in sessions.
Believe it or not men actually enjoy being the masculine "doing" role, and they can be quite impressive to witness in their true form. If you feel like you have dropped out of the masculine role when you get home and he is still being in his feminine natures, "being" consider his core collective wound of "not being good enough" + talk to me about it so we can create the change. women tend to be critical when in their unhealthy or wounded feminine, something to ponder.
Enjoy the Reflection and be kind to yourself in the process
Billa Kate