the History + Philosophy of the sacred.
‘Tantra teachings’
The recent renaissance of Tantra has been tainted + flooded with so much confusion as to what it is and how it can be a practice. So I am going to do my best to approach this introduction in layman’s terms.
The first written record of Tantra is known through the teachings of Shiva, 5000 years ago.
Tantra has withstood the test of time, as it is wisdom + light [ knowledge ]
Shiva developed over 112 methods of Meditation where by we can access super-consciousness. This among many other practices that make up the path of Tantra, and why it is a life long practice.
Some of the practices include the act of sex as a path to spiritual liberation, but only `10% of Tantra teachings are sexual, similar to everyday life, only 10% of the act of life is sexual and I feel it’s really important to understand this, due to the taboo and stigma around Tantra. Their are so many other teachings within Tantra that expand our consciousness away from sexuality. Teachings that every being + household, family will benefit greatly from.
It’s teachings have not only reached the entire world, withstood the test of time, but offer a wide variety of styles across Tao, Tibetan, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain and Geisha traditions.
Image: Shiva + Shakti
The History and Philosophy of Tantra : The History of Tantra is over 5000 years old + its teachings have reached the entire world, with a wide variety across Tao, Tibetan, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain and Geisha traditions.
Shiva + Shakti [ as pictured above ] are the 2 Pillar | fundamental forces, natures, wisdoms, that represent the dynamic interplay of the Feminine + Masculine energies in the Universe + in Tantra.
Shiva, Still respected and worshipped to this day, in India, is symbolised by the Lingham, [wand of light] aka the penis. He represents Masculine Energy Consciousness + Stillness
Shakti, still respected + worshipped to this day, represents lifeforce, creative, sensual, empowerment energy, Shakti Energy is the most potent energy that resides in the universe, symbolised by the Yoni, {Sacred place} aka Vagina + womb.
The Shiva Lingham rests within the yoni as a Tantric Practice to cultivate sexual energy and raise it through the chakras to achieve higher consciousness + eventually superconsciousness | spiritual enlightenment.
The entire path of Tantra, is based upon the harmonious union of these Masculine + Feminine [ Not male + female, very different ] principles in us all. Allowing us to achieve wholeness, from duality to unity, separation to wholeness, Wounds to Wings, Pains to pleasures.
We cover this in Tantra For beginner’s session 1, 2 + 3.
Shakti, The is the goddess of Creation, she represents feminine energy, [ not feminist ] she represents, movement, power, creation + the energy of unconditional love.
Often depicted as two halves of the same, left side representing Shakti [the feminine, yin] + Shiva on the right side [the masculine, yang] The union of these two is essential for universal sustenance + dissolution, and embodied in each individual live being, for wholeness first within themselves, second to experience an external union, long lasting sustained love, euphoria + nirvana. You can head out of this thread + into Masculine + Feminine Natures Chart Tab to learn more about these energies that become attributes for you as a man and woman.
It’s important to know Their are many different Streams of Tantra.
Tantra is the Path of Purification
In China, the Taoists took tantra into the arena of Health + longevity. Dr’s prescribed sexual postures + meditations to patients to stimulate chi + ching energy which bought harmonious union of the yin + yang principles within the body.
In Tibet, The marriage of Buddhism, with the native, ancient shamanistic, religion gave Tantra a very different background. It more focused on Death [ as rebirth ] and the transcendence of the physical dimension.
In India, it was more about awakening + experiencing the divine within the body, in this world. It perceived the body as a microcosm of the whole. By entering the door of the senses, with meditative and Breath Sound Movement Tantra practice awareness, we can experience the entire universe, by transcending the body + mind to develop psychic potential.
Each approach was vital to study and practice, as a Teacher \ Practitioner in Training.
What I found was one style would more suit one person and another stream suit the other, so understanding the blends of Tantra Blends, from science to spirituality, helped me as a Student, I find all streams hold deep value as a living being, and all play magnificent parts in chapter of our Maiden, Mother + Crone chapters.
However, it also caused great confusion for those hoping to understand ‘Tantra’ { Sanskrit meaning ; methods of going beyond, expanded sense, to weave consciousness } because to find out exactly what ‘Tantra is‘ with multiple streams or lineages, caused much confusion for the student seeking definition. Just as life, If I was to pop out of the sky and ask the first human being that I seen to tell me what life here is and means, I think we would find it very challenging to sum up in a few sentences, life has to be experienced, just as Tantra does, with that said the 4th Sanskrit meaning for ‘Tantra’ is ‘the way’ and through practice { just as in life } we learn the way.
One way to choose the correct Teacher or style of Tantra is to rely on the feedback from your HEART. If it feels elated + uplifted, then it is right for you, if your heart feels closed then it is not. In saying this, their are no comfort zones what so ever in tantra, it is the beginning of the sacred mirror work, where parts of the self previously unconscious to you will be shown and that can cause times of mud before the lotus of seen.
Tantra is generally always taught student from teacher, through discernment and under initiation, as the uninitiated will generally pervert + misunderstand it’s teachings.
Whilst Tantra developed a reputation for strange or ‘out there’ sexual practices, hinting at something perverted, what I learned from personal experience is it is far from that. Rather a “way” to connect us to the heart, the senses and the heart of another, certainly when that is achieved and certainly nothing alike the means of how we were raised to have goal orientated, penetrative, demeaning sex. It is of a much higher vibration and one that delivers in higher vibrational orgasmic experiences. I would much rather, as a mother, influence Tantric intimacy utilising the 5 senses, [ touch, feeling, seeing, hearing, tasting, or smelling ] than what I was taught or experienced, Hence it is called sacred sexuality. Both hearts must be connected FIRST. Journeying the sensory doors via Tantra Sadhana [ Daily practice ] Is nothing short of electric and euphoric and worth every moment of your investment.
The Duality of Yin/Yang
[see diagrams above]
Yin is feminine energy - Cool, Passive, Intuitive, Internal, Being + Receiving.
In the Taoist Yin/Yang symbol, yin is reflected as the colour black or represents ‘night’.
Feminine energy is negative, to the whole - it brings beauty + light and balances the world, in particular the masculine.
ie ‘the Masculine is understood as positive + the feminine negative’ - The two balance one another.
Yang is masculine energy - Hot, Projected, Logical, Expansive, Doing + Giving.
In the Taoist Yin/Yang symbol, Yang is reflected as the colour white or represents ‘day’.
Masculine energy is positive, to the whole - it brings Stability + Decisiveness and balances the world, in particular the Feminine.
Masculine energy makes decisions - it is the giver, goal-orientated, driving forwards, supporting, protecting and providing.
It is important to know that every person has both of these energies, In Tantra is it important to understand these are energies, with qualities, such a Masculine [ doing + logical ] Feminine [ being + Intuitive ]
When we refer to these energies [ Masculine + Feminine ] we are not referring to them as ‘Male + Female’ attributes, rather energies both male and female hold, along with the qualities. We will cover this more in your classrooms, treatments + sessions.
However, entering the journey of Tantra, is to witness, the times when, and to which extents, we are using either the masculine or the feminine energy, natures + qualities.
This is what we in Tantra refer to as ‘The Dance Between the Masculine + the Feminine’
Lord Shiva
worshipped in the form of the lingam
The Path of Tantra exposes us very early on, to Sacred Sanskrit translation + dialogue. Which is why sessions 1, 2 + 3 are essential before beginning any practice.
As above, Sacred Lingam + Sacred Yoni, In the Tantric tradition, are the genitals, worshipped as sacred + therefore named accordingly.
One of the first initiations we receive, is to refer to the Penis as ‘Lingam’ + the Vagina as Yoni [pronounced Yon-e] throughout our training + still to today I refer to my sacred Space as My Yoni, and always will.
In your learning classes or even in your Her Calm Space treatments, it’s important that we begin to use sacred tantric dialogue + that you understand it’s translation.
It wont take long before you begin to vibrationally, feel the difference, between the commonly used words vs sacred text words, in your own bodies, how that makes you feel, and where you feel it, Vagina vs Yoni for example
Vagina, even saying this word, feels unnatural to many women, it’s not feminine in nature, it sounds tasteless, and it’s a low vibrational sound, it’s not a word we yearn to say, I’ve coached many women in my Tantra Career and none have been proud to say this word out loud, and most have a strong somatic response when having to say it.
Where as ‘Yoni’ is very different, it has a direct connection to the womb + the heart, it symbols to the body as soon as it’s said, that Nirvana is possible, it is a higher vibrational word, certainly shines a light on the Sacredness of the feminine, and as predicted, like myself, a word now many women say, freely. A word that when used, is a gateway to open women’s [closed] bodies, so they can begin to discover themselves taboo + shame free, the Sacred Way.
The penis is called lingam, meaning ‘wand of light’.
The testicles are referred to as ‘pouches of jewels’. Yes, it’s okay to laugh ;)
The prostate gland or the G-spot is known as ‘the Sacred Spot’.
The vagina is referred to as yoni, meaning ‘source’ or ‘temple of the source’, ‘symbol of life’, ‘sacred place’.
The clitoris is referred to as the ‘jewel’.
Sexual Centres also known as Sexual Poles
I will share this here, as learning is always fun.
for your reference,
The Positive - [Yang] sexual center of a woman is her heart, and her breasts sitting either side of it.
The Negative - [Yin] sexual center of a Woman is her Yoni. [Receiving]
Women go out and pierce the world with their heart [Giving]
They ‘receive’ the world through their yoni.
The Positive - [Yang] sexual center of a man is his lingam [Giving]
The Negative - [Yin] Yin centre is his heart. [Receiving]
They receive the world through their Heart.
A woman focuses on giving love to her partner through her heart (positive centre)
Which he can receive.
In turn, he gives love through his lingam, positive sexual pole, into her yoni her negative sexual pole, and up into her heart. Creating Wholeness between both positive + negative poles, both masculine + feminine energies, embodying duality to unity.
The interesting thing about this, + it never changes when relationship counselling. For a woman, to relax become intimate, and receive into her yoni, first must feel a heart connection from the male. However, in order for a male to feel a connection into his heart, he first must feel connected to her Yoni. Again, the dance between the Masculine + Feminine energies, who is going to surrender first, further more, he doesn’t just want her Yoni, it is what makes him feel loved, safe and connected to Her.
Understanding this helps alot of relationships move past insecurities.
Inner union
Your Sessions + Treatments will be focused on the Inner Marriage, duality to wholeness, developing your relationship with the Inner masculine and feminine qualities, understanding yourself more, why negative experiences or patterns seem to recycle for you and how to curb those, by this offering and path to self-awareness, beyond the physical.
Learning the way of Tantra opens a safe container for you to correct out of alignment masculine and feminine traits, [which are generally imprinted form social settings and modern society expectations, yet, cause great challenges in external relationships, health, choices + behaviors] so you can experience the true benefits of wholeness.
It is an absolute pleasure to be bringing the sacred teachings of Tantra to closer to you.
Billa Kate
Chi + Ching
Chi energy comes from sunlight, air, live [whole] foods + water. It is vital life force.
It is collected + stored in the lower hara, which is two or three finger widths underneath the belly button. The Hara, which literally translates to the lower abdomen, carries profound psychological and spiritual meanings. The Hara is considered the unification of a person’s physical, psychological, and spiritual dimensions, playing a crucial role in overall well-being. Similar to the Dantian, if you are familiar with that term, and has been described to be "like the root of the tree of life."
Ching translates to Sexual energy + resides in both the testicles + the ovaries. Through the build-up of ching energy we can experience orgasmic sensations.
Kechari Mudra | The king Of Mudras
Mudra means ‘seal’, and Kechari Mudra is the seal of the tongue resting on the roof of the mouth. This Mudra is always performed in all Her Calm Space Tantric poses, breathwork and your own personal sexual practices should you wish to achieve spiritual enlightenment + ecstasy.
I will add this in here so you can continue to refer to this mudra as you begin your initiatory practices at home, I highly encourage you to also do your own research.
In your sessions or treatments we will always begin the grounding practice with Kechari Mudra.
When you connect the tongue to the roof of the mouth, you are basically creating an orbit of energy around you, we call this, microcosmic orbit energy, we are connecting the Yin channel { Conception Channel } with the yang channel the { Governing channel }
This Mudra also Protects us as we are conscious of this mudra when doing pranayama { Sanskrit for collection of breathing exercises developed by ancient yogis for purification, mental focus rejuvenation, and healing.}
When I say Protection, I mean it can help circulate energy around us vs force it through the chakras, prematurely opening them, [ before they are ready ]
Chakras are gateways to hidden worlds, therefore we are suppose to embody and learn about the information that each chakra represents, before we open the next.
Ie. Awakening or forcing open the 3rd eye chakra would be very dangerous for a primitive person, before the lower chakras are open, as they don’t really have the knowledge or wisdom to hold that third eye wisdom and viewing, causing tremendous disorder + splintering in a being.
[[ Psychedelic drugs are also another dangerous medium to prematurely open chakras and cause long term mental + emotional health issues. - more about this in your sessions.
As I was saying, when I say Ketchari Mudra acts as a Protection, I mean it ensures an integral + safe practice, and ensures that you are circulating your own energy out and around vs through the chakras.
Micro-energy means individual energy, and macrocosmic or macro-energy is universal energy.
To visualise this technique, think of a dirty fish-tank without a pump, the pump to clean the tank is the connection between your tongue and the roof of the mouth. To find it, I will guide you to say the word ‘lull’ out loud and observe where the tongue naturally connects with the palette. This will eventually build up saliva, we call this in Tantra sacred nectar.
All other Material will be handed to any student or Client 1:1 to ensure the integrity of this Sacred Arts + remains an Initiatory passage.
To learn more about an Online or 1:1 Tantra Class or session please email Billa Kate ;